Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; 12 OCT 89 11:17:31 GMT Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8877; Thu, 12 Oct 89 11:17:46 BS Received: from by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 9489; Thu, 12 Oct 89 11:17:45 B Received: by CEARN (Mailer R2.03B) id 5162; Thu, 12 Oct 89 11:03:17 GVA Date: Wed, 11 Oct 89 15:00:27 MDT Reply-To: INFO-ATARI16@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Sender: INFO-ATARI16 Discussion Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was INFO-A16@MARIST From: INFO-ATARI16-REQUEST@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #510 Comments: To: INFO-ATARI16@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 11 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 510 Today's Topics: Atari ST on Appletalk ?? Can I separate the keyboard from the computer? Connecting non-Atari monitors to the ST Databases Just Wondering why CAPS in GFA? PC Ditto II Portable Mac vs STACY Sampled sound replay routine Serial port Disk driver uupc for ST? Value of used equipment ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 11 Oct 89 10:37:00 EDT From: "V5120::MENTON" Subject: Atari ST on Appletalk ?? Query, for a friend: is it possible to use a Mega 2 ST on an Appletalk network (with, or without, Spectre)? The purpose is to access a PostScript laser printer. Thanks. - Bob Menton KG3J ARPAnet: MENTON@ACOUSTICS.NRL.NAVY.MIL (or use return address in msg header) ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 18:56:41 GMT From: sunybcs! (Bernard Bediako) Subject: Can I separate the keyboard from the computer? Hi Has anyone seen the internals of the mega keyboard. Does it have the 18-pin connector that the older ones do. Did they change the keyboard controller and everything? Finally, does anyone one know of an ST-repair store that will sell parts (either a Mega or 1040 keyboard) ??? thank bernie ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 17:35:08 GMT From: mcsun!inria!loria!! (Eric Domenjoud) Subject: Connecting non-Atari monitors to the ST Newsgroups: Subject: arc I got recently ARC for my ATARI ST from the archive server (binaries/volume1/arc) but it doesn't work. It seems that all bytes whose value was 0x0D were removed from the executable file ARC.TTP, perhaps by a virus. It's not only a problem by me, the file I got from the server was already altered. Is it possible to replace this file by a safe one or could somebody send me a safe version of ARC to the following adress: Eric Domenjoud ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 14:44:52 GMT From:!argus! (Ron DeBlock) Subject: Databases In article <1179@mrsvr.UUCP> krieg@jupiter.uucp (Andrew Krieg) writes: >Are there any database packages for the ST that allow you to access the >database through C programs (like Btrieve, etc. for the PC's)? I would like >to use an SQL database if possible. The only SQL db for the ST that I have >heard of is RegentBase. Does it provide these C 'hooks' that I need? Or is >this a lost cause for ST development? >= = >= The Atari Addict A. Krieg = Regent (the RegentBase folks) sell the SQL Add On for GFA Basic. You can access it from C - I've done it. It is a memory hog - about 400K. Also, it is nowhere near full SQL. It works, tho, and it's cheap. I bought my copy from E. Arthur Brown for $25. It is supposed to be compatible with RegentBase files, but I can't comment on that since I don't have RegentBase. I'm not sure that posting works properly from this machine - let me know if this gets through. I'll upload a sample C program later, if this posting makes it. -- Ron DeBlock N2JSO ...!rutgers!galaxy!argus ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 16:40:22 GMT From: mailrus!!!!!uxf.cso.uiuc .edu! Subject: Just Wondering why CAPS in GFA? Why the hell do all you GFA programmers use all caps in your programs? No biggie, but I thought I had seen the last of all caps when I got the rom upgrade for my old apple][! -Spieu! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Oct 89 16:45:44 EST From: FRAJKOR%CARLETON.CA@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: PC Ditto II Can someone (preferably someone from Avant Garde if they monitor this line) answer thequestion as to whether installing PC DittoII in an At ari 1040 ST precludes upgrading the 1040s memory to more than it originally had? The plamphlet advertising PC Ditto II says it works with "unmodified" STs. I take this tomean that if I have a 1040 with one meg now, I cannot upgrade it to 4 meg and still intall PC Ditto. Am I correct? Does t it mean that to get a 640K IBM clone I have to give up a 4meg ST? They say I am a skeptic, but I do not believe them-- old Slovak proverb ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 15:25:25 GMT From: asuvax!hrc!force! (Richard E. Covert) Subject: Portable Mac vs STACY In article <>, (Mike Matthews) writes: > Er, the STacy isn't vaporware. Saw a Stacy4 (4 meg STacy) at the WAACE > AtariFest 89, running Spectre GCR. It also had an internal hard drive, > but I don't know what size it is/was. > > Mike Matthews Ok, now weill I didn't go to the WAACE Atari fest last weekend, I heard that the STacy on display at the show was the same old prototype that Atari has been showing for months!! It wasn't even a production model. So, its VaporWare until I can buy it at my dealer!!! P.S. so, where was the TT, 1040STe, CD ROMs, PC DITTO II?? Did Atari have the TOS 1.4 EPROMs for sell at the show?? Did Atari, the company, show anything NEW at the show?? Nope. I thought not. I, for one, am just waiting for Jim Allen to develope his 68030 board for the Mega ST. I hear that he might even add more memory to it. And maybe better color graphics!! Heck, maybe Jim Allen (designer of that wonderful product Turbo16!!) can do what Atari has failed to do: Design a 68030 computer and market it!!! I heard that Jim Allen was at the WAACE show. Did anyone talk to Jim?? Richard Covert ------------------------------ Date: 7 Oct 89 01:02:08 GMT From: usc!!!peregrine!ccicpg!felix!tgate!ka3ovk!l (Marshall Lake) Subject: Sampled sound replay routine Does anyone know of a routine that will play back sampled sound while allowing other things to occur at the same time ... an interrupt-driven playback routine that doesn't shut down all the other system interrupts. Any help is immensely appreciated. Thanks. Marshall Lake uucp: ...?wb3ffv,drilex,infopro,teemc,tcsc3b2?!ka3ovk!lake CIS: 73717,3174 GEnie: MLAKE tele: 703-533-2132 fax: 703-538-4598 USPS: POB 7332 Washington, DC 20044 ------------------------------ Date: 11 Oct 89 18:13:58 GMT From: pasteur!!!blackbird!news@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (News System Account) Subject: Serial port Disk driver In article <42681@ccicpg.UUCP> paulm@ccicpg.UUCP (tmp Paul Moreau usenet acct) writes: > [description of situation very similiar to mine deleted] > If anybody is interrested in my code I will post >it PD on this net or (try) to mail it to whom-ever asks. I hereby identify myself as the 'anybody' mentioned above. (Tried mail but couldn't make it happen.) >Currently I am working on another UNIX side utility to copy to and from >files from UNIX and the ST disk file. This would be useful too! >---- > .===========================================================. > | ### ####### ### | N O R T H | /==============\ | > | ### ### ### | A M E R I C A |< An STC Company >| > | ### ####### ####### | (was CCI) | \==============/ | > |-----------------------------------------------------------| > | UUCP: ...ccicpg!dl2!paulm | Paul L. Moreau | > | or ...ccicpg!dl1!paulm | Diagnostics Software Eng. | > | or ...ccicpg!paulm | Irvine, California | > `===========================================================' Again, the advantages of PD. Thanks a million Paul. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Hodges | Me? People who speak for the Air Force get | paid a lot more than I do! I just work here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 10 Oct 89 21:58:29 GMT From: mailrus!!utgpu!watmath!watdragon!lion!cbbrowne@tut.cis.o (Christopher Browne) Subject: uupc for ST? Where can uupc be obtained for the ST? I've got a couple of ftp sites that have parts of it, but are binaries available? ------------------------------ Date: WED, 11 Oct 1989 15:45:08 EST From: Jim McCabe Subject: Value of used equipment What is the going rate for used ST equipment? Specifically, what would you guess the cost should be for the following equipment: Atari 520ST, upgraded to 1 megabyte RAM Atari SM124 monochrome monitor Apparently, the hardware is about three years old, and in very good shape. If you don't know what the going rate for the equipment, I'd appreciate even a good estimate of how much you would be satasfied with as a hypothetical buyer. Thanks! -- Jim ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #510 *****************************************